This past weekend I had the opportunity to run a 5K race. It was held at Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park. The cool thing about this race is that it is not just a normal 5K. They had various obstacles that you had to go through throughout the course. I ended up finishing the race at 36:10. That was just under a 12 minute mile. Not bad for a girl with only one fibula bone.
I did not have to place any support around my ankle thankfully. All the training I have done over the years since my surgery has made it strong. I did, however, had to tape one of my toes that has curled under as a result from my surgery. As I trained for the race my toenail started to become damaged from running on it. I was afraid my nail would fall right off. I am trying to work on stretching my muscles around that area and hope that, over time, it will be more stable.
Once the 5K race was over, the scavenger hunt began. As I said this was no ordinary event. In the scavenger hunt we would receive a card that had a puzzle that needed to be solved before we could move on to the next location. They were 4 cards or clues in total that, once matched up, would give us the answer to the fifth and final card. This card was needed to cross over the finish line for the whole event. (Though, honestly, they never checked our last card).
The great part about this event was that there was no pressure. People of various ages and running backgrounds could participate. You could even walk it if you wanted too. My teammate and I ran into a mother and daughter team early in the day. As we chatted we found out that the mother, who was about 69 years old, ran her first race in February. It was the Disney's Princess Half Marathon Weekend. (Holy Cow) Bless her. I figured if that was not inspiration, I don't know what is. I am proud of what I and my teammate accomplished that night. 1:05:23 for the whole event. Maybe I will train to run a half marathon.