Friday, June 25, 2010

The Black Hole

Black Hole: An object that is so compact that its gravitational force is strong enough to prevent light or anything else from escaping. (Or keeps messages from being received at the Hopkins Dental Office)

I have officially named that office The Black Hole. The doctor never got my message. Humph! That was what I was told after I called the office back today. If this was the first time that happened I could let it go. But this is the zillionth time. Ok, I am exaggerating but you get my point.

The doctor did call me back right away, thankfully. He did apologize for not receiving my message. I was not sure if he looked at my file so I explained why I was calling. He understood but said that we needed to start the next process in getting my implants exposed. He stated that would resolve the issue of the loose cap causing the irritation and bleeding. **blink**

That's it? That's all I get? I don't know what I was expecting but that sure was not it. But I guess he is right in that I need to get a move on with this. I am just flat out scared. I am scared that my insurance company will not pay. I am scared that this dental office in incompetent. I don't know even if I want to deal with them anymore. But it's easier to deal with them then to start over. Not very logical but it's how I feel.

Guess I have some thinking to do.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just another week

I called the Hopkins dental office and left a message for Dr. Baer to get back to me. (Yes, I did actuality get someone on the phone.) He was supposed to call me about 2 months ago regarding the issue of bleeding that I have. I said have because it is still bleeding, a little. I get this bubble that comes and goes over the implant that was placed back in November. When it gets full it drips red. Not a lot, but enough for me to be concern. Well, if I was really concern I would have called back about 2 months ago. Guess better late then never.

Also the office manager never got back to me. I want this billing issue taken care of. So, I decided to send an email directly to the customer service department. That seems to be the only way I can get anyone to respond to my requests. If I lived closer I would just walk myself right down there and stand right in front of their desk till I get the answers I needed.

I tried on my prosthetic teeth the other day. They did not fit anymore. I know this would happen due to all the surgery I had. My gum line changed. These fake teeth were given to me back in 2008 but I rarely wear them as it made me talk funny. I did address this to Dr. Sinada at the time and he did say he could adjust them. But I never followed through with it. My error I guess.

As for my leg, I have an idea as to what the issue may be, but I am not 100% sure. I made an appointment with a local doctor to see if my theory pans out. If not, well then I need to see a specialist. It seems lately every time I stretch that leg I get a massive dose of muscle lock. Ouch!

I also called my insurance company to make sure they got my letters of appeal. They did. They stated I would have an answer by July 4th. So, this will be either a happy 4th or a not so happy 4th. Either way, I will going to the boardwalk and treat myself to some cotton candy. Yum.

It’s the little things that make me happy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

It's all about the codes

I called the dental surgeon office again on Wednesday. Asked for the office manager and was, surprise, surprise, transferred to a general voice-mail. I left a message asking for him to resubmit the claim for payment for the surgery that Dr. Christian did last year. I also stated that my insurance company paid the first set of implants back in 2008 and they should pay for these too. If needed check the codes that the other doctor used and change them. Sometime it is all about the coding with these insurance companies.

I also asked for a call back. Been three days and not a word. Guess I will be making a call on Monday. If that does not work it is back to the customer service department at Hopkins.

The boards on the Yahoo! Group site have been exploding with insurance questions of late. Guess others too are having issues. It is really sad and frustrating. If anyone have not seen the movie Sicko by Michael Moore I highly recommend it. Makes you think. Also makes me hate my insurance company...

Never give up, never surrender! - Galaxy Quest