I got into the hospital at 5:30am to prep for the surgery. I did manage to take some photos of before my surgery so I can compare afterwords.

You can really see my scar and the swelling that I had left.
They took me into the operating room while I was awake. I really don't know if this is a good thing or bad. Part of me never wants to see the operating table again. The other parts thinks its good to know what my surroundings will be. Guess the jury is still out on that one. But I did not have to worry too long as soon as they put me on the table out I was out in a matter of seconds. They did not even warn me. The next thing I knew I was waking up in IC Unit.
When I was wake enough the nurse showed me and my mom the plate.

I really did not feel like doing anything. I did bring with me books and games to help the time go by. But all I wanted to do was sleep. Just sleep. I took a photo of my chin after surgery. I don't recommend anyone looking at it that can not stand the sight of blood. So be warned.

As usually my face swelled up like a big balloon. I am surprised that the side did not pop open. The above photo does not show it as the one below will, along with my new scar. I have to put bacterial ointment on it every day for about a week. No big deal. The doctor will take out the stitches next week. So I will need to stock up on Mederma or Scar Fade. But right now all I want to do is sleep. At least I am home.

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