I was so tired from the drive and the stress of it all I almost fell asleep. I would have too except for the fact that two patients that were waiting to be seen almost gotten into a fight. I am not kidding. Security had to come and separate the two like school children. I remember asking the nurse that night what was up with that. She said it happens more then you would think. A lot of people use the ER as their main doctor.
I finally did get called back about 2 1/2 hours of waiting. The nurse took me back, way back under the grounds or basement of the hospital. I felt like I was in this secret area you were not suppose to see. Through different tunnels and doors and one short elevator ride I arrived in a different part of the ER unit. It was a floor of the Olser Building of the hospital where they kept patient most likely to be admitted. Yeah me! It had a specific name but I forget what it was. Not important I guess.
After I got into my hospital gown they gave me some fluid as I was dehydrated, took some blood
The ENT on call was was same Doctor I talked to on the phone. He examined me and said he was glad I came in. They took a marker and circled around my swelling. This was done to gauge to see if my swelling would get worse. I have a picture here. My poor chin.

I had a roommate. Poor thing keeps saying she was tired and praised Jesus. Though I thought it was interesting that she was cursing up a storm just after the Jesus part. So I keep asking the doctor when I would get my own room. He told me he would be transferring me to the Weinberg Building where I stayed last time when they officially admit me. These rooms are all "suites" so just one bed per room. GOOD!
I was not in ER Unit long. After two full bags of fluid and a trip to the basement to get my Cat Scan my mom and I were taken to the Weinberg Building and my "suite" for the next few days. Felt like coming home. Weird I know.
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